Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sick AGAIN!!!

I ran on Sunday and was planning to run on Tuesday but that didn't end up happening. I ended up having to take my baby girl to the ER at midnight (Monday/Tuesday) because she wouldn't stop throwing up. When I got home after 3am David was up and said that he had been throwing up since I left!!! He stayed home Tuesday so I didn't end up running and then I started getting sick yesterday and am just feeling worse today. The only plus side to having a stomach flu...I'm now down to 211 lbs.! : ) I'll update about my run and other things once I'm feeling better...and hopefully I won't be sick again for a LONG TIME!!! Ugh!


  1. Hope you feel better!!
    I'm sick this week as well and took today off. I want to get a run in so badly especially since it's cool out now, but I have no energy :(
    At least the scale is going down for yea ;)

  2. Hope you're feeling better!! I had to chuckle though cuz I've been taking meds for a reasonably considerable back injury and my appetite has been decreased a lot... Making losing weight easier. My hubby thinks I'm crazy cuz I get excited... Especially the other day when I got really sick cuz they upped my meds and I could it. Feel better!!!! I know it's awful especially when it's the whole family :(
