Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vegging Out

I'm so sorry. I can't believe that its been twenty days since my last post!!! I will post SOON. I promise...I guess life just gets in the way sometimes as well as lack of motivation on...pretty much all fronts. I haven't even been reading any other blog reader if FULL of posts that have gone unread. I always come and look to see if my interest will be sparked, to both read some blogs and write on my own...but I just haven't been feeling it. I've been wanting to spend my free time vegging out instead of doing some of my other hobbies. I hope that changes soon...I hate feeling so blah.


  1. I truly hope you find your way back soon. I miss reading you. Even if things haven't been going great in the last 20 days, it's okay to talk about your struggles. That's what this journey is all about:)

  2. You will do it when you need to do it. The thing I keep in mind is that sometimes when I don't feel like doing it, it is usually when I need to do it the most. As Leigh says, it is okay to talk about lack of motivation, struggles...sometimes in writing about it, you find why you are feeling that way. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. Thanks ladies...but lately my struggles are more of a personal nature...things that I would not talk about on this public blog...which, oddly enough is more because a lot of people in my life read this blog rather than strangers. Its times like these where I wish I had made this blog anonymously. : ) I've actually gotten back on the healthy eating wagon...mostly...and lost three pounds this last week!!!: ) I'm closing in on 40 lbs. lost! : )
