Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm FINALLY done with C25K Training..."Technically"

I went out and ran my third and final C25K Week 9 workout tonight! So I am "technically" done with the Couch to 5k training program...and it only took me SIXTEEN WEEKS!!! Holy Guacamole!!! I didn't realize that it had taken that long! I used the word "technically" because I've decided to go back in the training program to whatever week I am up to the distance on. When I started I had the choice to either do the program for running time or running distance. I chose time because I figured that it would be easier for me keep track of and I also figured that it would make it easier on me physically because I knew that I would be a very slow runner. However, the program is called Couch to 5k and that's what I'm looking to accomplish...being able to run 3.1 miles without stopping to I'm not "technically" done with the program yet. Its looking like I will have to go back to week 5 of training to get to the distance I'm at right now, a little over 2 miles (2.09 miles to be exact...every little bit counts!).

To refresh your memory, here is what week 5 of C25K training looks like:

Day 1: 5 min. warm-up walk; *Run 1/2 mile (5 min.); Walk 1/4 mile (3 min.); REPEAT from *; Run 1/2 mile (5 min.); Cool down walk

Day 2: 5 min. warm-up walk; Run 3/4 mile (8 min.); Walk 1/2 mile (5 min.); Run 3/4 mile (8 min.); Cool down walk

Day 3: 5 min. warm-up walk; Run 2 miles (20 min.)


When I started the 30 minutes of running tonight the song on my mp3 player had be running in time with the beat...which happened to be about a 12:45 min/mile pace so I thought I'd see how long I could keep that pace up but using the song to keep the tempo. Since I STILL haven't found my Garmin USB (I ordered a new one on eBay for $19.25 and FREE shipping!) I'm not exactly sure just how long I kept that pace up. I suppose I could figure out how long the song was and figure it out by that. I ended up repeating the song three times, but had to slow down shortly into the third replay. If you are curious, the song was What Goes Around by Justin Timberlake. I don't know what it is about that song...but I LOVE IT...don't judge! I ended up doing a tiny bit better this time, but I'm thinking that I shouldn't have tried to go that fast because I'm sure I slowed WAY down when I couldn't keep that pace anymore and it made for a slight decrease in my pace...consistency would have been better. *See...I'm learning! ; )

*Found my Garmin USB so here are my actual splits. : )


The race photos from the Mackinac Island 8 Mile Run/Walk are up! If you're interested in seeing me all sweaty, tired, and cranky you can see them here. (they won't let me copy and paste it here).


I posted the following story on my facebook page earlier today, its completely unrelated to running or weight loss, but I wanted to share it with you anyways.

I stopped at a yard sale this morning because I happened to pass it right when it opened on its first day (best chance for good stuff) and noticed that there was a lot of Army issued gear...everything from packs, boots, shirts, pants, etc. The people who I saw outside the home were a couple about my parents age. There was also a lot of computer parts, accessories, and books about computer programing and I began to get a horrible feeling that these parents were selling items that belonged to their son whom they lost in the war! The more I looked around the more devastated I became and I was debating on asking the woman about the Army stuff because I felt like I should express my condolences and thanks for her child serving our country...but I also didn't want to cause this mother anymore pain then she may already be in. I decided against saying anything and was about to leave when I saw a tall, young man complete with Army issue buzz cut emerge from the front door carrying a box of items to add to the sale. I cannot even describe my relief and how I thanked God right then and there that this young man had returned home safe to his family!!! I have never been so HAPPY to be WRONG in my whole life!!!

Since I was so overwhelmed with relief at seeing that young man I only thought about thanking him for his service after I drove away. So even though he probably won't see this post I just want to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for his service as well as ALL other service men and women because even though I am NOT a supporter of this war I wholeheartedly support OUR troops. They are putting their lives on the line for ME and deserve nothing less than my utmost respect!

I hope you all have a great Friday! : )


  1. I can't listen to music while I run. It throw's my pace all out of whack! I listen to a book on tape or talk I'm dull:) Good job on the C25K. FYI, I didn't start running without stopping until I was about 16 weeks into running. But by that time I was running much longer distances. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you. Take as long as you need:)

  2. I love when a good song comes on and makes you want to run faster! Great job.

  3. Well done Ernie on the C25K! I've 'graduated' C25K and am now on 8k training - it's a good one to follow on from once you're comfortable running 3 miles. The 8k programme starts with running 2 miles for the first couple of weeks and has a combination of cross and strength training so you can be sure you're getting excellent all-round exercise.

    I don't judge anyone for their choice of running songs - if people saw some of the songs on my playlist a) they would seriously be surprised and b) quite possibly would laugh out loud! Music makes all the difference to my run - it makes the time go much faster and helps me keep a good pace - just don't tell anyone that I have One Direction on my playlist...
