Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I Care!

I know I said I was going to stop being so down...but I feel like everything and everyone (not literally everyone) is against me and I don't understand why? I pride myself on being there for others and doing what I can to help anyone and everyone that I can. I'm a giver and always have been, but I also give my opinion FREQUENTLY...sometimes when its not asked for...but my intentions never come from a place of righteousness. I know that sometimes it comes across that way, but I would hope that if I explain myself that those I offended would accept my intent. I need to learn that I can't please everyone, no matter how hard I try.

I'm not going to go into any detail here because this is a public blog and its just in poor taste to air my dirty laundry here with specifics. All I will say is that due to negative, hurtful, and mean spirited comments made, I have left the weight loss challenge that I helped to start. It really upsets me that I felt the NEED to do this. I really was enjoying helping other ladies with their weight loss journey and it had inadvertently gave ME the push I needed to get serious. Now I don't have that support from others in the same situation as me. All I have now is this blog and my few followers (which I'm so grateful for).

I just hope that being in this funk doesn't mess with my weight loss. Its hard to not want to eat for comfort right now. Ugh, listen to me...I sound so pathetic (and I'm sure that's what some of you are thinking as your reading this). I really shouldn't care what other people think of me...ESPECIALLY those who don't really even know me at all...but I DO CARE!!! Sorry I'm such a downer, yet again. I feel like everything is being thrown at me so that I fail...and I don't want that to happen!

1 comment:

  1. You will NOT fail! You still have people that actually do care about you standing behind you. I know we shouldn't care what others say about us, but it is so hard not to.
