Sunday, February 19, 2012

This week took a toll...

and I'm back up 3 lbs.!!! I will not dwell on this or make excuses...I will just except that I had a setback and I will move forward from here.

The next few months are going to be full of stress and I need to learn how to deal with that stress without over eating. Why can't I be like those people who DON'T eat when their stressed or emotional??? I would LOVE that! ; )

I don't think I've mentioned that we are going to be moving when our lease is up at our current place. We are buying a home for the second time in our lives. The first time, we didn't know what the heck we were getting into and got screwed by the mortgage company. We also bought right as everything started going into the toilet with the housing market. We ended up selling our house as a short sale our home and living with my Grandfather for 8 months (with two kids two and poor Grandpa). For the last two years we have been renting a manufactured home (read double-wide trailer), but we are ready to have a place of our own where we will have more space both inside and out. Our kids (and dog) need a yard to play in. We found a home that we really liked low in our price range that we felt we could fix up. However, that house was a short sale and AFTER signing the purchase agreement for our offer we were told that we should be "ready to wait 16-18 months" to hear anything back from the mortgage company!!! Our lease ends April 30th...we can't wait that long. So we continued to look at other houses and found one that we fell in love with that was slightly above our price range. We knew that the house was worth much more than they were selling it for (it is bank owned), so we jumped on it, but we were still one of three offers that came in for the home, so we were asked to come back with our highest offer. After discussing it with our financier we put in an offer quite a bit above our price range, but that we knew we could still afford comfortably. The very next day we got an answer from the selling bank...WE HAD THE HIGHEST BID!!! WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!

We are very excited about this, but are trying to stay responsible. We had the home inspected and are waiting on the appraisal before we commit to buy! I'm really looking forward to moving, but at the same time I'm not. Its going to be very stressful...packing everything up here while at the same time painting and cleaning the new house, then moving our stuff and cleaning up our rental before turning in the keys...then unpacking everything and getting it all ORGANIZED!!! I am not an organized person and I've been able to deal with it, but now that I have three kids, and probably the fact that I'm a little older now, I can't stand being unorganized stresses me out, but thinking of getting everything organized stresses me out too! lol Oh yeah, and did I mention that all of this has to happen with three kids too!!! I think I did, but I need to stress this fact because the last time we bought a house it was just the two of us so we could go over to the house and paint whenever we had any free time, which will not be the case this time around. I'm getting stressed just thinking about it! :/ I'm really concerned that all of this stress is going to really mess with my weight loss. Any tips or words of encouragement would be great right about now.

I'll probably be talking more about the house than weight loss for the next few weeks because its going to be consuming my life. Please don't give up on me though. I will keep you informed of how its all effecting my weight loss and eating habits. Hopefully I'll continue to learn more about why I overeat.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. : )


  1. Congrats on the house:) That is great news, but yes very stressful. I just finished up with a stressful episode in my life and did the opposite of what I normally do during stressful situations, I DIDN'T eat. Don't ask me how that happened, but it did. My best advice to you is to try to remember that yes, this is a stressful time, but is eating through your stress worth the short time that it (the stress) will be around? What is a few months compared to the rest of your life? You could have weight-gain to deal with that could affect your confidence and overall will power. What if you fall off the wagon and struggle to get back on. It hardly seems worth it to me. You gained three pounds but tomorrow is a new day. You are worth it! Good luck:)

  2. So exciting/stressful/scary to buy a house! This is where you learn to be a highwire circus act--BALANCE. Balance eating and staying true to your plan and knowing that it's okay to order pizza after a long day of packing/unpacking boxes. The key to this will be not being too hard on yourself! What I've started doing (after a horrendously stressful weekend a month ago that turned into a 3 day binge) is referring to my "Triggers/Behaviors List." I wrote down the things that are "red flag" behaviors for me, things like eating late at night when everyone has gone to bed, hitting the drive thru on my way home from work and then going home to have dinner too, and when I start feeling the stress, I take a timeout, review the list (which is on a great notepad app on my smartphone, with me always) and say, "which of these red flag behaviors am I most likely to do right now?" It helps to have that little timeout moment--I now have my husband trained to say to me, "Do you need a timeout?" if I'm particularly wound up about something--because it puts those behaviors in the front of my mind and makes me more conscious about what I'm doing. It's not a perfect system, but it helps! You're going to be okay kid :) Sending you good thoughts :)

    1. Thank you so much for all of the encouraging words. I think one of my biggest downfalls is that I'm very hard on myself, which then leads to more unhealthy/unnecessary eating. Its a vicious cycle!
