Sunday, March 11, 2012

3 Pounds Down!!!


I was so happy when I stepped on that scale this morning!!! I was just hoping that I would still be the same weight I was last week. Thank you God for giving me the strength and self control to get back on track the last two days and that I will CONTINUE to be on track from here on out!

My sister came over yesterday with my beautiful niece...she's just 19 hours and 19 minutes older than my daughter Isabel (Isabel was 5 weeks premature) and is already walking!!! She can take several unassisted steps...I'm one proud Auntie!!!

Once all of the kiddies were in bed my sister and I got down to work...picking out paint colors for our new house, which we should be getting a closing date on SOON!!! I seem to be in a blue/green/brown phase. It took us FOREVER to figure it all out! Then, my husband gets home and says he doesn't like ANY of them!!! UGH However, when asked what colors he would pick he said "I have no idea, but probably cream and tan!" YUCK and BORING! lol I told him that I'm the one that will be in the house the most, its my home as well as my workplace. ; ) I'm pretty confident that I'll get my way.

Today is a good day, I feel really good about this journey and am hoping to be 15 pounds down by next Sunday! I may even be able to make up some of the second 10 lbs. I was suppose to lose in February! My next mini goal is to lose 30 lbs. by April 8th...I don't know if I'll be able to make that...I am still nursing so I can't cut calories drastically, but I'll hopefully be close. : ) Thanks everyone for your comments of encouragement and support on my last posts. I appreciate it more than you know!

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