Friday, March 16, 2012


As if everything else wasn't enough...there was a tornado that touched down close to the house we're buying last night and very heavy rain. I'm going to head over there in a little bit so see what, if any, damage there is and pray that the power is still on so that the basement didn't flood! I'll update on that when I get back.


Aunt Flow came to visit two days ago and last night I had a BAD snack attack!!! I did end up eating a bowl full of Cheez-Its and a bowl of rainbow sherbert. I'm a little bit bummed about this, but I realize that there are going to be times when I just WANT something MORE than my calorie target will allow, but as long as its not happening all day, every day it shouldn't set me back much. I have gained back 7 oz. but I also attribute that to water retention that Aunt Flow always brings when she visits. I'm still feeling pretty good about my weight loss and how I'm doing with staying on track with my diet. I really hope this continues...because the stresses of buying a house are really piling up!


UPDATE: Went over to the new house and spoke with our new neighbor. She seems like a really nice lady, has a daughter the same age as my son Nathan, and is a stay-at-home mom too! : ) She said that they had not lost power at all during or after the storms and the only damage they had was to their vehicles from the hail. So I was optimistic walking into the house that the basement would be dry (relatively speaking...there is the crack that leaks). However, when I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw that the sump pump hole was completely overflowed and the whole corner of the basement in that area was covered in water. Also, in the part of the basement where the crack is, the drain in the middle of the floor there was backed up too with a large puddle around it. My husband is over there as I type this, with his father putting in a new sump pump because the other one quit working. Hopefully it will be an easy clean up....I'm praying for that!

1 comment:

  1. Ernie, this week has just thrown its worst at you! I am sorry! Hang in there. I am pulling for you!
